Thursday, June 30, 2011

Birthday Countdown

It is exactly one week until my birthday. Holy crap I haven't even planned anything. WHAT. THE. HELL. Ah well, guess we will just see what happens. I'm thinking a trip to Magic Mountain.
Um heck to the yes. I've been in CA for two years (on July 4th) and I still havent managed to get to Magic Mountain. Last year we went to San Diego Wild Animal Park. Seriously go if  you live anywhere close or are visiting. We got to see the handler feeding the cheetahs. Amazing experience.

My knee is feeling mucho better. Probably because I've been threatening it...or perhaps because I've been lazy and my idea of cross training has been taking CB on long walks and taking pictures of the pretty flowers.
he peed on this immediately after
Eating taco left overs out of obnoxious orange bowls probably helps too.
This was later topped with froached eggs and more tapatio...of course. If you poured it on Chuckaroo Id probably eat him too.

TOMORROW I RUN. Hallelujah.

What shoes are you currently running it? (I need new ones)

What did you do for your last birthday?

Will you buy me some shoes so I have something to wear for my birthday?


Cait's Plate said...

I'm rocking Brooks Ghost 3 right now but I'm a die-hard Asics fan most usually :)

My birthday is in February so we always do something WARM and low-key. Just a dinner out followed by some cake :)

I will totally buy you some shoes! Haha.

Alyssa said...

@Cait's Plate
I've heard such good things about the ghost 3s. def on my list of "to trys"

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